CCPS Appoints Blueprint for Maryland’s Schools and Communications Coordinator
Calvert County Public Schools’ (CCPS) Board of Education (BOE) approved the appointment of the Blueprint for Maryland's Schools and Communications Coordinator at the September 19 meeting.
Dr. Marcy Gruver
Dr. Marcy Gruver has been serving as the Supervisor of Elementary Reading and Language Arts since 2021. Before joining the Department of Instruction, she was the Supervisor of Special Education and also served as Dean of Students at Barstow and Mutual Elementary Schools. Marcy began her teaching career in 2003 at the Harbour School in Annapolis, Maryland, where she worked until 2007. She then became a Special Education teacher at Sunderland Elementary School. Marcy earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Communication from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2003, master’s degree in Leadership in Teaching from the College of Notre Dame in 2007, and Doctorate in Educational Leadership from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2022.